Hey men! Welcome back, I hope you have been well! I've got a unique treat for you with a bonus movie. Summer is nearly out so I wished to offer you a peep when I'm chilling at home in my yard of some of summer afternoons go. Oh, I know what your thinking, you'd like to be in garden,hmmmm allow me to give you a peek of what that could be like. I am sitting on a swing chair, my black hair. I've blouse that dissipates to the floor revealing my succulent breast enveloped within my Victoria's bra. Tan three knicker bockers slide upward and protect my juicy ass and legs, but I simply carry them off quickly as well, beach ball by side, I touch me, lick my lips, then squeeze my luscious breasts and hands straight down my panties to tease my throbbing hot cooch. Laying back I distribute my sweetness start massaging the head of my clit that was tingly and available for you, thinking I need a nice warm tongue instead. Any volunteers? My pussy folded a massage. Imagine you may be in my best. You can go balls deep quite well in this position. Pinning my thighs back while you jam your cock inside me. Here you go....take me in the right style style. Do you feel you could handle that? Nope , not yet! First you have to watch me make myself cum!