Widow Dana Dearmond is sad to have lost her husband. She especially misses him giving blowjobs in the classic American muscle car. The black beauty, which has been sitting dormant in her driveway for so many years, was made by American engineers. With Logan's help, her sonAs mechanic friend Logan got the roadster back on the roadi? 1/2. And so Ms. DearmondAs urges are satisfied! MILFA is shaken by the sound of her husbandAs motor car coming back to life. The purr of the engine creates an urge in Ms. Dearmond to get another front-seat Hummer. The present is the best time to indulge in passion. LoganA is a big cock inside his friendAs momAs mouth. Dana is reunited with her friend LoganA and her car's front seat. Soon her sonA will be injecting his hose into DanaAs motor to make sure it runs for long periods of time.