Statistics at the time of posting: Yasmine loven ranked 5th in "The Lightening Bolt",HT: 5A’2WT 140Season records (2-1), Lifetime records (3-2), Penny Barber Ranked 4th in"The Tarrasque",HT:5A’6WT 145Season records (2-0), Lifetime record (4-1). Welcome to the Ultimate Surrender's first ever welter weight tournament. The Top 5 weight classes will compete in Season 10, to decide who is the greatest. Yasmine is 5th. SheA will be taking on Penny, who is Ranked fourth and loves to Lactate girls. In the semi finals, the winner will meet Mistress Kara (1st). Welter weight matches have been our most popular matches. Both men and women love watching two strong, powerful women on the mats. Today, both men and women can get exactly what they desire. The match was so intense and action-packed that the ref had to call it quits early due to too much energy. The match lasts 2 rounds, but the referee calls for an immediate stop to ensure model safety. The winner gets her prize, and the loser is given a consolation prize. The loser is served a delicious cake baked by the winner. She then makes sure she eats all of it and gives it to her with lactated milk.